17-19, 2013
Hebrews 12:1-3
Timothy J. Spaude
endured the cross.
fix our eyes on Him.
Hebrews 12:1-3
(NIV) “Therefore,
since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the
joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such
opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and
lose heart.”
It’s the why behind what people do. For instance some grown men who make it
sound like the really enjoy lying on the couch watching movies or playing video
games will push their bodies to the limit, work out for hours and allow other
grown men to publicly berate and belittle them all for the chance to become an
NFL football player. On the negative side the teen heroin addict is so
motivated to get another fix that he will do the unthinkable and steal from his
parents and grandparents and raid his friends parent’s medicine cabinet. Some
motivations can be very powerful. Today in God’s Word the Holy Spirit gives a
peek into the heart and mind of our Lord Jesus Christ. He lets us see some of
the why behind what Jesus did.
let’s start with the what. We are told that Jesus “endured the cross, scorning its shame.” Here we are reminded of
what Jesus did to become the author and perfecter of our faith. That’s another
way of saying Jesus is the one who did it all from A to Z, from first to last.
He’s the starter and finisher. He got no breaks. It was all on Him. But for
Jesus that meant the cross. I think we’ve all heard as least somewhere the
horrors of the means of execution called crucifixion. Jesus endured that on top
of being roughed up by the Roman soldiers, scourged and pounded on the head
with a crown of thorns. Hopefully we all know that the physical pain was the
easy part and the most severe pain was being separated from God as He was
punished for the sins of the world causing Him to cry in agony “My God, my God,
why have you forsaken me?” The writer to the Hebrews asks us to think of yet
another aspect, the shame and disgrace. Maybe we think of the fact that those
crucified were left naked, hanging on a cross near the entrance to the city for
all who passed by to heckle and jeer. If only that were all there was to it. Jesus
bore the shame of sin, all sin. You know the shame of your sins. You know how
it feels when you are caught and your sins are laid out there for everybody to
see. Jesus experienced the shame of everyone’s sins. He hung before God as the
13 year old boy who bludgeoned his grandma to death with a hatchet and hammer.
He hung there as the Cleveland Creep who kidnapped and brutalized women. On the
cross Jesus was the drug dealer, a liar, a murderer, a rapist, a molester. We could
go on and on but let’s not. Jesus had all of that shame attached to Him and He
scorned it. He said, “Bring it on!”
did He do it? Why was the holy Son of God willing to do that? “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author
and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the
cross, scorning its shame.” For the joy set before Him. Jesus endured the
cross for the joy set before Him. It gave Him joy. It made Him happy. Not
enduring the pain. Not taking on the shame. Winning souls. You. Me. With Him
forever. Jesus had you in mind when He was on that cross. You were so worth it
to Him. The thought of having you in heaven gave Him such joy He scorned the
shame. So that Jim Guenther and the rest
of Lois’ family could have comfort in the midst of sorrow and know that death actually meant
life, that gave Jesus such joy He scored the shame. That’s why He did it. That’s
why the cross and its shame was worth it to Him. For the joy set before Him.
why Jesus did what He did motivates us too. We respond to the joy of Jesus and
we fix our eyes on Him. Just like God’s people in the past needed to. At the
time the letter to the Hebrews was written some of the Jewish Christians were
thinking of leaving Jesus and going back to Old Testament living just as if
Jesus had never come. It was getting a little tough to live as a Christian back
then. The Holy Spirit had the writer to the Hebrews remind them of all their
heroes of faith in chapter 11, believers who had come before them and needed to
keep the faith especially when things weren’t going so well. He wrote, “Therefore, since we are
surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that
hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance
the race marked out for us. 2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.”
fix our eyes on Jesus. A picture is being used of a runner in a race. The
runners need to fix their eyes on the finish line. We fix our eyes on Jesus.
The runner throws off everything that hinders. Imagine trying to run a race
with winter boots on, or your winter coat. Some of you may know that at our
church picnic I wore a winter parka into the dunk tank because the water was so
cold. Then some naughty, naughty children legally and through blatant cheating
dunked me again and again. That coat got so heavy. I had to take it off. It was
hindering me from climbing out of the tank. What is there that hinders you,
that takes your eyes off Jesus? Are there some earthly goals, career
highlights, more important to you than Jesus? Throw them off. They are not
worth it. Are your eyes fixed on things that won’t last? Hold them up next to
Jesus, their glory fades. Fix your eyes on Jesus.
there is the sin that so easily entangles. Another word picture. Ever try
running with your shoelaces tied together? Doesn’t work so well, does it? We
need to learn to look at sin that way, as something that is going to trip us
up. The Devil has a nasty sneaky way of getting Christians to think that some
sins aren’t so bad, they are little or normal. He wants to trip us up. And so
when you as scared of some punishment or what someone will think of you he tempts
you to lie. And you do. And that lie breeds more lies. It becomes a way of life
for you. You are entangled in a web of lies. Your eyes are not on Jesus. Or
maybe you play that little comparison game. You want someone else’s popularity,
or their things or their spouse. You become discontent with your own. It eats
at you. You think about it. Pretty soon you’re charging yourself into debt,
you’re flirting, you’re tearing down another’s reputation, you’re cheating on
your taxes, you have nothing to give to Jesus as a thankoffering. You are
entangled. Your eyes are off Jesus. All of that started with a “little” sin.
Throw it off.
is a better way. Fix your eyes on Jesus and run with perseverance the race
marked out for you. Veteran parents will tell you that parenting is a marathon,
not a sprint. You are in it for the long hall. So you don’t judge by the day or
even by the year but by the final product. Veteran soldiers of the cross will
tell you the same thing. Life as a Christian is a marathon, not a sprint. It is in the tasks of daily living that your
faith needs to show and that matters much more than the short lived firework
display of the day you made your confirmation vows. As our other readings made
clear following Christ will get you opposed. We need to fix our eyes on Jesus. “Consider him who endured such opposition
from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” Fix your
eyes on Jesus. He endured opposition from sinful men. We will too. The Lord has
not revealed the future of true Christianity in America to us. He hasn’t shown
us what’s going to happen to people like us who hold to Bible truth no matter
what. Do you think we will face opposition from sinful men when we continue to
say there is salvation only through Jesus, that sex is to be reserved for
marriage, that gay marriage is not marriage and is abominable to God? I think
so. Are going to grow weary and lose heart? Like the Hebrew Christians will be
tempted to join churches where the going isn’t quite so tough? Not if we keep
our eyes on Jesus who for the joy set before Him endured the cross.
That was His motivation. Let’s have it
be ours too. We have the right to be joyful now. Jesus lives. Jesus rules. But
the best joy is certainly to come. We get to be with Jesus and finally
understand just how special we are to Him. Don’t throw it away for a short term
easier path. No matter what you are going through right now, whether your life
of following Jesus is easy or hard, fix your eyes on Jesus. For the joy set
before Him He endured the cross for you. Amen.