Sunday, October 20, 2024

October 19-21, 2024 Pastor Timothy J. Spaude Text: 1 Peter 2:9-12 (EHV) “IT’S TIME TO STOP THE INSANITY!”


October 19-21, 2024

Pastor Timothy J. Spaude

Text: 1 Peter 2:9-12 (EHV)


1.     Center yourself on Christ.

2.     Live for the glory of God.

          It’s time to stop the insanity. If your ears are sensitive to words that have been previously used to describe people with mental health issues let me put you at ease. Mental health is a real thing. Emotional disorders are real. Mental illness is real. When I say it’s time to stop the insanity I am using that word in its popular usage: extreme foolishness, like when people do those hot pepper challenges or blackout challenges and you see them and you say correctly, “That’s insane!”—extremely foolish.

          When a pastor pops out a sermon theme of “It’s time to stop the insanity” and a national election is right around the corner one’s mind naturally goes, “Finally! Let’s talk about what is going on in Washington, and Madison and the news. Let’s talk about the insanity of the news reporter in hushed and sympathetic tones reporting on the tragedy of the death of a mother and her unborn child in a needless car accident followed in the very next segment by vilifying politicians trying to take away a mother’s ability to kill an unborn child. That’s insane! Or politicians pointing to all the problems caused by illegal immigration but doing nothing to change laws to make for safe and seamless legal immigration to a country whose citizen birthrate is not enough to replace current population. That’s insane. Or politicians promoting fiscal responsibility but on both sides of the aisle continuing to spend more than we take in. That’s insane. So, yes, go get ‘em pastor. It’s time to stop the insanity.”

          So I will, go get ‘em that is. Only the ‘em is us. It’s time for us to stop the insanity, the extreme foolishness of being Christians who talk and act or think like the fate of Christ’s Church depends on the upcoming election. It does not. Jesus lives. And He lives and rules all things, including our country, for the good of His Church. Believers. You. So, let’s stop the insanity. I have heard people talk like America is God’s chosen nation and it is the job of the church to make it look Christian. That’s insane. Only one physical nation was chosen by God. Old Testament Israel. It existed as a nation only by God’s grace and until its job was done. And so shortly after Jesus finished His work on earth, that nation ceased to exist and modern-day Israel is not the same as Old Testament Israel. Our country is not even close! I have heard us talk as though the outcome of the upcoming election will either bring about the Biblical apocalypse or hold it off. That’s insane. The United States is tiny drop in the ocean of world population and even tinier in New Testament history. Christ does not take His cues from Washington DC. I have heard it insinuated that God wants one candidate or another to win. That’s insane. Who of you here knows the mind of God and the plans He is working on? For me personally in our presidential election I feel like my mom has announced it’s time for dessert and I’m getting excited then she says I get to choose from 3 day old leftover cooked broccoli that someone forgot to put in the fridge or cold leftover cooked spinach. I want to choose neither and yet I have to choose, so I will make my choice based on what I think will be best for the country. But I won’t be able to choose whom God wants because He hasn’t told me. Nor has He told you. It is insane, extremely foolish, to talk that way.

          There is a better way, a way that will allow you to have peace, keep a smile on your face and be nice up to and after the election. Center yourself on Christ. Listen to what God says about you! “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, the people who are God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. 10 At one time you were not a people, but now you are the people of God. At one time you were not shown mercy, but now you have been shown mercy.” We are not the only Christians who have experienced less than savory government. When God had Peter write this letter, he addressed Christians as “strangers in this world.” You don’t belong. Most likely their ruler was Roman Emperor Nero, not a nice guy and mostly likely insane in the old use of the word. And yet look at the source of their comfort and confidence. It centered on who they were in Christ. A holy nation. God’s own possession. The people of God. Recipients of mercy.

          Do you want to stop your own insanity? Do you want to be able to be happy and confident these last few weeks leading up to the election and no matter how any of the elections turns out? Center yourself on Christ first, foremost and only. In Christ you are neither liberal nor conservative, Republican nor Democrat, nor even American. You are Christian. A holy citizen of a holy nation ruled by Christ the King who is perfect in every way, who will never disappoint you, who is the reason God will continue to shower you with mercy and who rules all things for the good of His Church which means you. Each day you wake up, it is not poll data or elections results that define you. Jesus does, so center yourself daily on Him. Yes, it is OK to care and be concerned about this temporary country we are living in. It is not OK to worry about election results or to think, act and speak like a puny human being ultimately controls you. That insults your Lord Jesus. The only election that really matters has already taken place. Jesus chose you! He chose me!

          And that is why we can deliberately seek to live for the glory of God. Hear again the voice of your God.  “Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and temporary residents in the world, to abstain from the desires of the sinful flesh, which war against your soul. 12 Live an honorable life among the Gentiles so that even though they slander you as evildoers, when they observe your noble deeds, they may glorify God on the day he visits us.” Do you think that maybe one of the reasons the anti-Christian sentiment in our country is growing is because the only Christians most Americans know, work with, hear on the news and whose posts they read are shallow Christians? Christians who care more about how other people live morally than that their souls be saved eternally? If so, it’s time to stop the insanity and let them see what authentic Christianity looks like. People who put truth and love together. People who realize everything here is temporary so in the end only faith in Jesus matters. It’s time to let them see you, in action. Let’s abstain from the desires of our sinful natures that want to fight mean with mean, nasty posts with nasty posts. All that does is start a sinful nature/Christian nature war in your soul. Let’s stop that extreme foolishness and instead seek to live such honorable lives among our fellow Americans that even though they say mean thing about us now, they will have to give glory to God on the day He comes. And He will come. On the day He decides, not decided by one election, in this teeny tiny part of today’s world.

          Peace, brothers and sisters! It’s time to stop our insanity. Our lives are bound up in Christ and we live for the glory of God. And look at how that changes our hearts and minds before, during and after a national election. Instead of getting so caught up in whom I want to win, or you want to win we can be at peace and pray for whoever wins. Pastor Martin Luther told an interesting story in his time that applies to our time.  A widow living in a country ruled by a tyrannical king prayed long and hard for the tyrant who oppressed her. The tyrant heard about it and was amazed because he knew that he had done her much harm. When he called her in and asked her about it the woman replied, "When your grandfather was king I had ten cows. He took two of them. I prayed that God would get rid of him. He did and your father became king. He took 3 more of my cows. I prayed against him and he died. Now you are king and have taken four more of my cows and now I only have one. So I am praying for you because whoever follows might take all that I have left."  Some things, no, most things, no, all things are better left in the hands of God. You, you are in the hands of God, so peace! Amen.