Thursday, July 21, 2016

July 17th, 2016
Pastor Waldschmidt
The 6th Commandment

Grace, mercy, and peace are yours from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.                                                                         Genesis 2:18-24
The 6th Commandment
MARRIAGE- God’s Protective Shell
In the name of Jesus, the Foundation of all of families, dear fellow redeemed;
     A couple of weeks ago I bought some charcoal at Menard’s.  The clerk forgot to stop the automatic roller at the checkout counter and so the bag got to the end of the counter and the roller kept on pushing.  The bag ended up catching on the edge of the roller and tore the bag.  It wasn’t a big hole in the bag but one of those pesky ones that left a trail of charcoal dust on the counter and out of the store to the car and into the trunk. 
     God’s gift of marriage is the protective bag for the family.  As we look around our world, this gift of marriage is being twisted, torn and pierced on every side from inside and out-sometimes we see rips in marriage, other times little tiny holes that cause problems.  Trails of hurt and destruction can be seen in almost every family I can think we can think of.  We could talk all day about the way that the 6th commandment is being broken in our world and in our lives but maybe it would be good for us to step back today and look at God’s gift of marriage and the blessings he has in mind- what God wants the family to be.   God’s gift of marriage and family provides a protective shell in this world. 
     As pastors we sometimes debate about preaching a sermon on a specific topic like marriage, since I would imagine that perhaps only as many of 50-60% of the people here today are married.  But I think marriages are somethings like farmers.  Everyone sort of takes farmers for granted.  Though all of  us may not be farmers, we had better be concerned about how the farmers are doing because that is where our food comes from.  So it is that though all of us may not be married, it certainly is important to know how marriages today are doing and what God says about marriage, since marriages are a big part of the fabric of our lives.
     In Genesis 1’s account of the creation we hear, “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” I’m somewhat of a plain person.  My wife laughs at me because I order chocolate or vanilla ice cream at Baskin Robbins 31 flavors and I scrape the catsup, mustard and onions off of my hamburgers at McDonald’s.  But our God is a God of exciting variety.  Instead of making a string of robot clones, God created them male and female.  That variety would not stop with Adam and Eve.   We’re told “God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”  In the midst of all the variety, God in his wisdom chose that a marriage consist of one man and one woman.  In chapter 2, God says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.”    So there would be a commitment to a lifelong union.  In other words, a promise to stay together for life.  “They will be one flesh,” the Bible says.  Jesus explained in the Scripture, that this union is a lifelong union when he said in our Scripture lesson, “What God has joined together, let man not separate.” Marriage would be a protective shell were husbands and wives could come and find comfort and peace and joy.  Into some of those marriages God places children dear to him.  Jesus showed how he wanted a stable safe place for children when after Jesus said this, he went on to take the children in his arms and blessed them.    
        One man, one woman and a promise to stay together for life with God’s help.  These are the basic pieces of a marriage.  Did you notice that love isn’t mentioned here as God institutes marriage?  Oh love certainly is understood in two people who promise to stay together for life.  But certainly in every marriage there are times when the love “feeling” that husband and wife have for each other reaches new heights and other times when it sinks to new lows.  There might a few times when my wife loves me  more the day that we were married and I know for sure there are days that she loves me less.  I’m sure that there are days when my wife doesn’t love me very much, like when I snap at her, or leave my socks on the floor or butter my toast over the counter and the crumbs go flying everywhere.  “Love” comes and goes but the promise, the commitment remains the same.  That’s commitment by two sinful human beings would seem to make the protective shell weak and vulnerable, but with God’s help that commitment gives marriage
     Are you finding yourself in a marriage where it seems the love is at a low point?  That doesn’t mean the marriage is over.  The promise is still there.  The Savior upon whom you built your marriage is still there.  He promises his help.  Husbands, we need to take the lead, as Paul says, “Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church.”  As husbands and fathers we need to stop thinking of ourselves and put the interests and welfare of our wives ahead of our own, like Jesus put our interests ahead of his own.
      I know that many of you have green thumbs.  You know just how to take care of plants.  You know if this one needs a little sun or if that one needs a little water.  So it is with God.  He knows just what his creatures need.  “The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him.  Now the Lord God has formed out of the ground all the beasts if the field and all the birds of the air.  He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.  So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.”  God gave Adam the privilege of naming all the animals, but the Lord also had another blessing in mind for Adam as all the animals were brought before him.  “But for Adam, no suitable helper was found.”  God wanted Adam to see that all of the other animals had their mates, yet there was no one like Adam, no one for Adam  to share his life with.  God brings out in Adam a longing for a blessing of marriage, the blessing of companionship.  The loving Creator in a unique and special way made a companion for Adam.  “The Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh.  Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man.”  With the same love and care God used in fashioning the man, the creator now carefully makes a woman.   Then the heavenly match maker, “brought her to the man.  Then the man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;  she shall be called woman for she was taken out of man.”    In a spouse, God blessed Adam with a companion-  someone to laugh with or to laugh at dumb jokes, someone to cry with, someone to listen to dreams and fears, someone who can most of the time tell what he was thinking and maybe even finish his sentences.   In a very real way, God unites Adam and Eve in one flesh.  
      “For this reason a man shall leave his Father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh.”  Another blessing God gives us in marriage is the “becoming one flesh” in the sexual union.  Sometimes, people think that God is somehow against sex.  No, God is the one who invented and created sex.  But God created sex to be used with in a framework.  The framework of marriage.  I received a new weed eater for Father’s Day.  That thing works great for trimming the lawn, but not so good for trimming my hair.  If I use it for that I’m not using it according to the manufacturer’s directions.  That’s true for God’s gift of sex too.  If we use that gift outside of marriage then we get hurt and hurt others.  That’s why God says  “Marriage should be honored by all and the marriage bed kept pure.”
    Did you hear the excitement in Adam’s voice?  This was something special!  Yet how people poke holes in God’s special gift of marriage- how we poke holes in God’s gift of marriage.  Maybe it is with how we talk about our spouse-“the ole ball and chain.”  Maybe it is by the things watched on computer screens -images of things that God meant to be protected, images of bodies created to be God’s temple- plastered across the internet.  When it comes right down to it sins against the sixth commandment are very much sins of selfishness.  I want this and I want that.  I want to be happy now and I don’t even want to think about the cost- the hurt to others, the hurt to my God.   You and I sinners one and all have not done what God demands in connection with the sixth commandment or any other commandment.  We deserve only God’s wrath and punishment.  We come to God with the prayer, ”nothing in my hand I bring simply to thy cross I cling.”  And God for Jesus sake receives us.  Like prodigal sons and daughters, He receives us in.  He throws his arms around us and speaks words of forgiveness in the ears of our hurting souls through his word and in his Holy Supper.
     God could have sent Jesus into this world in an armored bubble or a stone fortress.  Instead of that, God placed His Son into a family.  God used a family to protect him- to keep him safe as he went about his work of being the Savior.  Jesus never got married or had children, God had something else in mind for him.  Jesus would kept that perfect respect for God’’s gift of marriage for us.  His thoughts were always clean and pure thoughts for us.  His death paid for all of our sins against the 6th commandment in what we have said and done and thought.  His love moves us to love others- to not be selfish,  to put others ahead of ourselves.  It moves us to work at having our homes be a homes of comfort and protection.
      Marriage is a neat gift from God.  More than that it symbolizes our relationship with our God.  Paul talked about that in our Scripture lesson today when he talks about marriage,  “This is a profound mystery--but I am talking about Christ and the church.”  Marriage is a picture of the protecting shell God puts around us.  He loves us and takes care of us. 
           If you are married here today,  make a promise in your heart today that  with God’s help,  your marriage will  be a marriage that God ends by closing your or your spouses eyes in death.  Young people when you stand before God’s altar make your marriages the kind of marriages  that bring back again the 50 and 60th wedding celebrations.  Let’s all of us work at standing out from the world in love and purity in this world that needs Jesus.  

         Marriage and family stand as God’s protective shells when we can get come out of the wicked winds of the world and take a break.  Marriage and family need to be protecting in this world where the devil has his pitchfork out.  Seems impossible.  But we have a God with us who loves us and is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.  He protects us.   Amen.

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