Monday, June 28, 2021

June 26-28, 2021 Pastor Timothy J. Spaude Text: Mark 4:35-41 JESUS CARES!



June 26-28, 2021

Pastor Timothy J. Spaude

Text: Mark 4:35-41



1. He allows storms when needed.

2. He controls storms for our good.


Mark 4:35-41 (EHV) “On that day, when evening came, Jesus said to them, “Let’s go over to the other side.” 36After leaving the crowd behind, the disciples took him along in the boat, just as he was. Other small boats also followed him. 37A great windstorm arose, and the waves were splashing into the boat, so that the boat was quickly filling up. 38Jesus himself was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. They woke him and said, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are about to drown?” 39Then he got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” The wind stopped, and there was a great calm. 40He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still lack faith?” 41They were filled with awe and said to one another, “Who then is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!”


          Into the lives of every person, storms must come. It is the way of things in a sin ruined world. It may come in the form of the unending drizzle that settles in the very day you planned a garden party or the thunder and lightning that sends picnic and beach goers scrambling for their cars. Every storm is a very visible reminder that this world is broken by sin. And that reminds us of some others storms that must come into the lives every person—storms caused directly by sin, ours or another’s. And so you think of how a marriage or family or friendship relationship gets ruined by careless words or actions, or words spoken in haste, anger or hurt. Or you think of the storms that serious accidents, illness, death or financial loss can bring. For those that know the Almighty God is the Almighty God there is almost always a faith struggle when storms enter their lives. “Don’t you care? Don’t you care about what I am going through? Don’t you care how I am feeling?” Good News brothers and sisters, Jesus cares. And He shows He cares. Run with me to God’s Word and have your faith built up. You’re going to need it for your next storm.

          Mark’s Gospel records, “On that day, when evening came, Jesus said to them, “Let’s go over to the other side.” 36After leaving the crowd behind, the disciples took him along in the boat, just as he was. Other small boats also followed him.” We are picking this up in the middle of an account. That day Mark is talking about had been a busy one for Jesus. He had been doing many miracles of healing and teaching and fending off jealous Pharisees with their accusatory questions. It was time for some rest and a new place for Jesus to serve. Some tried to follow. “A great windstorm arose, and the waves were splashing into the boat, so that the boat was quickly filling up. 38Jesus himself was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion.”  Into the lives of every person storms must come. This was not just any storm, a great windstorm feeding waves so high they were swamping the boat. All the while Jesus is sleeping.

          You can picture it, can’t you? Experienced sailors working the oars or sails, trying to keep the boat aimed correctly, using every trick in the book to prevent their boat from sinking, tacking back and forth, bailing water. And in the midst of all that work they were doing what do they see? Jesus. Sleeping. You know what’s coming. We would have said it too. They woke him and said, “Teacher, don’t you care that we are about to drown?” Don’t you care! Spouses say it to each other when they feel left out. Children say it to parents when the children don’t get what they want. Believers say it to their God when they don’t understand why the Lord has allowed storms into their lives. Car accidents. Deaths of children. Financial disaster. Tropical storms when you are trying to sit on the beach. We ask that question because we know something. Jesus is in control. He sends storms. He stops them. We wrestle with the why. Why is He allowing this to happen? Doesn’t He care?

          It’s important that as we wrestle we never get tricked into forgetting our Lord’s great love for us. You heard what happened when Job forgot that it was a loving God allowing all of his troubles. “Then the LORD responded to Job out of a violent storm. He said: 2 Who is this who spreads darkness over my plans with his ignorant words? 3 Get ready for action like a man! Then I will ask you questions,

and you will inform me.” (Job 38:1-3) I don’t know about you  but I’m not signing up for that one. Friends, when the Lord allows or sends storms into your lives it’s for a reason and not just any reason, a good reason. Those storms are needed by you, by others. This particular one Mark tells about may have been sent so too ardent or inquisitive people would stay home where they belong. The disciples needed another lesson on putting faith into practice. Every Bible reader needed more evidence that Jesus is the Son of God. We need to learn how to handle storms in such a way that we give God glory. Jesus allows storms only when they are needed. So if you are going through one right now understand this. It is needed. When your next one comes, and it will come, hold on to this truth, Jesus is only allowing it because it is needed. And Jesus cares!

          Friends, how rude it is to turn on the one who takes Hell for us. How disloyal to call into question Jesus’ care for us when we know for a fact we are the ones who often care too much about ourselves and too little about our Lord Jesus. In the face of the storm of unfair criticism and stinging questioning of love Jesus cares. And he shows it. He controls storms for our good.

          “Then he got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” The wind stopped, and there was a great calm.” There is absolutely no question. Jesus is in control of storms. There is absolutely no question. We are not. Chris and I vacationed on the beach last summer with friends. There was a tropical storm. My first one. When it subsided a little we went out to see what it was like. Lean into the wind. Sand stinging your ankles. I’m a little bit of a risk taker but I wasn’t going anywhere near those waves. I’ve been pummeled by them before when the flags were only green or yellow. If any of you have been caught out on the water in a boat when a storm came up you know. You felt the fear. You are not in control. Jesus is. “Peace! Be still!” and the wind and waves obeyed. We can’t get our kids to that. Jesus did with a few words to a powerful storm. Jesus cares. He controls storms for our good. He did that with the storm Paul went through in our second reading.

          He used this one to help the disciples. “He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still lack faith?” Look at when Jesus said this. After he had stilled the storm. He saw their hearts. They have been following Jesus. They had seen a day full of miracles. They had just seen another one. Why so afraid? Do you still lack faith? Yes. But Jesus didn’t push them away in disgust. He didn’t stomp off across the water because He was surrounded by incompetent weaklings. Jesus’ words had the effect that the miracle did not. “They were filled with awe and said to one another, “Who then is this? Even the wind and the sea obey him!” Jesus controlled the storm for their good. Their faith and their awe were built up.

          So it is with you. If you are going through a storm of some family upheaval or relationship mess or threatened disaster hopefully you realize how out of your control it is. Don’t fight that or get frustrated. Rejoice. Rejoice that there is someone better than you in control. Jesus. And Jesus cares! You can try every trick you know like the disciples did but it takes Jesus to control the storms and if He has not stilled yours yet there is a reason, a good and loving reason. You don’t have to be afraid. He’ll set it still at the right time. And if you are feeling ashamed at how you have handled it and your lack of faith know this. Jesus does not reject you or push you away. He sees your weakness. He gives you this, His word, to still your heart, to build your faith. Jesus cares! And whenever Satan whispers in your ear to try to get you to doubt, run to the cross and see your Jesus giving His life for you, because He loves you. Jesus cares! Always. And He always works for the good.

          Last week Chris and I were at the beach again. And again a tropical storm, Claudette, moved in. Are we sensing a pattern? Hoping to have some family time with our girls on the beach you know what we wanted. No storm. You know how we felt. Disappointed in God. Doesn’t He care that we want this good thing? But that same storm that kept us off a beach moved a lot of moisture to parts of the country that have had drought. Jesus cares. We can trust Him. Into the lives of every person storms must come. Let’s learn to thank God for them. They are only allowed when needed. They are controlled for our good. How do we know? Jesus cares! Amen.

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