Monday, March 18, 2024

March 16-18, 2024 Pastor Timothy J. Spaude Text: John 12:20-33(EHV) “SUCH COMMITMENT!”



March 16-18, 2024

Pastor Timothy J. Spaude

Text: John 12:20-33(EHV)



1.     From Jesus, for us.

2.     From us, for Jesus.


Commitment! More and more that seems to be a hard thing to find. It used to be that commitment was one of those stereotypes used as the world tried to pit men versus women instead of them being together as God designed things. The man’s fear of commitment in a relationship was the foil for many sitcom episodes. Now fear of commitment or lack of commitment is popping up in other places. Recently whatever algorithm is watching my computer browsing popped up this teaser. “Seventeen reasons people have stopped attending church.” Now you can’t tease a pastor with that tidbit and not expect him to click on it. So I did. There were many different reasons given. One was that Christ’s teachings don’t seem relevant anymore.  But you can really boil most of the reasons given down to this: commitment, or rather not wanting to commit. With the hustle and bustle of family life they didn’t want to commit to being at in person church. People wanted their church to be more accepting of sinful lifestyles and did not want to commit to a church that expected people to actually follow Jesus’ teaching. They also didn’t like to feel they had to make a commitment to support a church through going, serving or giving. I guess it’s not just guys that have commitment issues, is it? But Jesus doesn’t! He is fully committed to you and to me. That’s what the Gospel lesson from John showed us.

The events described there happened on Tuesday of Holy Week. Jewish people from all over the world and converts to the Jewish faith from all over the world were in Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. Some of those converts were from Greece. Somehow they had heard about Jesus and they wanted to see Him. When Jesus’ disciple Andrew told Jesus this He said, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24Amen, Amen, I tell you: Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it continues to be one kernel. But if it dies, it produces much grain.” Jesus knows. He knows the time has come for Him to die. He knows the purpose. Like a kernel of wheat must “die” to produce the wheat that will follow, He must die so that others can follow Him to the Father. But this will be no ordinary death. He will not just die physically but die spiritually as he will take on Himself the filthy weight of the sins of all people. And how awful this is we will never understand but it helps us understand Jesus when He says, “Now my soul is troubled.”

And here is where the weak willed human being would have the chance to back out, to demonstrate a lack of commitment. “You know I really like you but… But Jesus is not weak willed. Such commitment!  “And what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, this is the reason I came to this hour. 28Father, glorify your name!” A voice came from heaven: “I have glorified my name, and I will glorify it again.” 29The crowd standing there heard it and said it thundered. Others said an angel talked to him. 30Jesus answered, “This voice was not for my sake but for yours. 31“Now is the judgment of this world. Now the ruler of this world will be thrown out. 32And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” 33He said this to indicate what kind of death he was going to die.” Jesus says, “Bring it on!” His Father voices approval. Both tell us that Jesus’ commitment will result in glorifying God’s name, His reputation. First by putting Satan, the God wannabe who thinks he is the ruler of this world, in his place. By being lifted up on the cross Satan’s damage would be undone. His hold on people and ability to accuse them of sin would be taken away as Jesus took away the sins of the world. Satan is exposed for the liar and fake that he is. Jesus’ commitment to us and all others did not waver. Whatever the cost to Him, whatever the sacrifice needed, he would make it. Such commitment by Jesus for us.

And that commitment by Jesus would glorify God in another way. It changes people and changes hearts. Jesus said His commitment would draw all people to Him. What, you mean people would be committed to Him? Yes! Absolutely. The information in the worship summary box is 100% correct. The heart of Christianity is God’s devotion and commitment to us. A commitment so strong it put God, Jesus, on the cross. It is not our commitment to Christ that is at the center of Christianity but Christ’s commitment to us. At the same time Christ’s commitment to us does something. It draws people to Him. Those Greeks who asked Philip to see Jesus were drawn to Him. The disciples of Jesus were drawn to Him. Yes, in a couple of days their commitment to Him would prove shaky. Peter would deny. Others would run away. And yet when Jesus rose from the dead proving He is the Christ and the Devil had been defeated they responded with a commitment that showed as they went away rejoicing when they were whipped for talking about Jesus, that saw then traveling from Judea to Samaria to the ends of the earth to be His witnesses, that saw all of the but John dying a martyr’s death rather than denying their commitment to Jesus. John just died in exile. And millions, yes billions of followers of Christ who have never had the privilege of seeing Jesus face to face have shown commitment by striving to willingly follow His commands, by gathering to glorify His name publicly and by working together to be His witnesses to a world that needs Him as Savior whether they know it or not.

This is no surprise. Jesus said, “Anyone who loves his life destroys it. And the one who hates his life in this world will hold on to it for eternal life. 26If anyone serves me, let him follow me. And where I am, there my servant will be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.” Followers of Jesus are different. They understand this life for what it is. Temporary. Filled with blessings but not always pleasant. Imperfect in so many ways. So they don’t love it. They love eternal life with Jesus. So they serve Him knowing the best is yet to come and their service is expressed in commitment to Him. Yes, our commitment is imperfect and shaky and sometimes in our own ways we deny or run away. But Jesus keeps drawing us back to Himself with His unwavering love and commitment. That’s why you schedule time to publicly worship Jesus when many of your fellow Americans think that’s insane. That’s why, when able, you give your time and abilities so that our ministry can be the best it can be, not to glorify Jacobi’s name but Jesus’ name. That’s why you give your offerings so we and many others may continue to be taught to obey everything He has commanded us whether that’s popular or not. And to do that for Jesus is a privilege.

I can’t help but think of one your St. Jacobi brothers who is now a saint in heaven, Clarence Benz. By the time I got here Clarence was no longer physically able to make it to church so we pastors would visit him. He had some kind of throat condition or was taking some kind of medicine with the result that his throat was constantly raw. I remember the first several times I gave him communion and when he drank the wine we use he would wince and his eyes water as it burned going down. I would ask if he was OK. Finally one time I said, “Clarence, we can water that wine down. It does not have to burn.” “No!” said Clarence very adamantly. “If my Lord Jesus can take the burn of Hell for me the least I can do is take a little burn for Him.” Kind of sounds like commitment, doesn’t it. Oh and that first reason some gave for no longer attending church? That Christ’s teachings are no longer relevant. Ask Pat Betram about that the next time you see him. Amen.

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