Monday, September 9, 2024

August 10-12, 2024 Pastor Timothy J. Spaude Text: Exodus 16:15-31 “GOD’S WORK, GOD’S WAY!



August 10-12, 2024

Pastor Timothy J. Spaude

Text: Exodus 16:15-31




This weekend we are installing teachers for this coming school year. It’s important that teachers know how students learn. One way that people learn is to go from the lesser to the greater. You show how something is true for something small and easy to grasp to teach how something is true for something that is bigger and harder to grasp. God knows how people learn and Het taught that way. In the book of Hebrews, the Holy Spirit had these words written, “For every house is built by someone, and God is the one who built everything.” He teaches from the lesser to the greater. Everyone admits to the truth that if a house exists, someone built it. So the greater is true. The universe has to have a builder, and that builder is God. That’s why God calls those who say there is no God, fools. They are ignoring obvious truth. Another way to teach is to use something simple and visible to teach about something you can’t see. God does that too. Think of Baptism. He has us use water. It’s everywhere and necessary. What do we mostly use water for? To clean and sustain life. So if we think about it, every time we wash dirty dishes or dirty hands or enjoy that cold glass of water on a hot, humid summer day it can teach us that our Baptism that connects us to Jesus washes and cleans dirty sinners and gives spiritual life.

          A similar thing was done by God for the Old Testament people and us with the sending of manna. You heard about it in our first reading. In Hebrew “What is it?” sounds like “manuh, manuh?” Manna, bread from heaven. A quick catch up on the background. God had rescued the Israelites from slavery in Egypt with the miraculous plagues. Now they were wandering the wilderness. They grumbled and complained that God had rescued them because they had no more food. These former slaves had a lot of learning to do, most of it spiritual, to trust in the Lord with all their heart and lean not on their own understanding. Instead of punishing the Israelites for their lack of trust God graciously provided manna, bread from heaven that had a honey taste to it. There were specific instructions that came with this food from the Lord. This is what the Lord has commanded: All of them are to gather as much of it as they need to eat”…and “No one is to leave any of it until morning.” 

          God was teaching. God’s work must be done God’s way! Trust God. He will provide for you. Daily bread. Now if they would follow their own understanding they would gather as much food as they could. “What if it didn’t come the next day? Better to store up plenty for yourself. God’s way doesn’t make sense.” Let’s see how that worked for them. “However, they did not listen to Moses. Some of them left part of it until morning, and it became full of worms and stank.” Ooh, gross! Maggots. Smell! It does not turn out well when God’s people trust in themselves with all their heart and lean not on the Lord who loves them.

          Then God switched things up. “They gathered it each morning. All of them gathered as much as they needed to eat. When the sun grew hot, it melted away. 22On the sixth day they gathered twice as much food, two omers for each person, and all the leaders of the community came and reported to Moses. 23He said to them, “This is what the Lord has said: Tomorrow is a complete rest, a holy sabbath to the Lord. Bake what you want to bake, and boil what you want to boil, but set aside for yourselves all the rest of it to be kept until morning.” 24So they set it aside until morning as Moses commanded, and it did not stink, and there were no worms in it. 25Moses said, “Today eat whatever is left over, for today is a sabbath to the Lord. Today you will not find any around the camp. 26Six days you will gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will not be any.” Again, God was teaching them. He knew their needs. They needed rest for their bodies and rest for their souls. The seventh day would be a day to find rest from their regular physical work and to worship and find rest in God’s word. The manna they saved on the 6th day would not rot. It’s just like Jesus told us, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well.” And what about those who didn’t listen? “On the seventh day some of the people went out to gather it, but they did not find any.” Students! They had to learn.

          So do we and God knows how we learn. From the lesser to the greater and from the visible to the blessings we can’t see. His lessons for Old Testament Israel are there to teach us just as Paul alluded to in his letter to the Corinthians. Let’s start with the lesser and the visible. We need food for our bodies. God provides. It’s His work. It must be done His way. If you can’t get a job or are unable to work, He will provide. Trust in Him and don’t lean on your own understanding. Trust Him when you are past your working years. He will provide. If we are able to work and can get a job in our working years, we should. And God will provide for us. If we don’t work, we shouldn’t expect to eat. It’s God’s work to provide for our physical needs and His people need to do that God’s way. The lesser and the visible are our physical needs.

          The greater and the blessings we can’t see are the spiritual ones. Once again, this is God’s work. Only He knows what we need spiritually. Only He can provide what we need spiritually. His work. And His way? Through the word! Specifically, through the Gospel messages that points us to all the blessings we have in Jesus. What we need is the forgiveness of our sins. What we need is the righteousness we lack. What we need is the ability to trust what God says. Only Jesus gives us this. The manna in the desert was a set up to point people to Jesus, the Bread of Life you heard about in the Gospel lesson. The way He chooses to be found is in His words and the Gospel of the Sacraments. How foolish the Israelites were who did not gather the manna God provided. How foolish they were to put physical needs above spiritual. And how much more foolish we are if we don’t use God’s word. How much more foolish we are not to gather for public worship one day a week. Because we know better than they did. We have their example to learn from. It’s God’s work. It must be done God’s way.

          And for you new teachers to St. Jacobi and teachers taking on new duties, remember that truth as a warning, and as a comfort.  St. Jacobi operates a school to proclaim the Gospel. That is the work God has given to us as a congregation. You have been called to do God’s work. It must be done God’s way. God’s way relies on the power of the Gospel in God’s Word. So, if you excel in teaching reading, writing and rithmatic but do not excel in feeding Jesus’ lambs, doing what you can to feed their faith and tie their hearts to Jesus, you are going to stink up God’s classroom, school and church. It will smell worse to God than rotting manna did to the Israelites. On the other hand, when you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness in your classrooms, all the other things will be added to you as well. You will be able to sleep good every night you can say, “I gave them Jesus!” It’s God’s work, God’s way!

          For most students and teachers a new school year will begin soon. Every teacher’s goal, hope, prayer is that their students learn what is taught, grow and become productive members of their families, their communities. God’s goal for us is the same. Learn, grow and be productive with His work until He takes us to the glory of heaven. To that end may He bless His teaching and our learning. Amen.



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