Monday, September 9, 2024

Sept. 7-9. 2024 Pastor Timothy J. Spaude Text: Isaiah 35:3-7a “BE STRONG!”



Sept. 7-9. 2024

Pastor Timothy J. Spaude

Text: Isaiah 35:3-7a



1.     The Lord has come to save you.

2.     The Lord will come to save you.


Isaiah 35:3-7 EHV “Strengthen the weak hands and make the shaky knees steady.
Tell those who have a fearful heart: Be strong. Do not be afraid. Look! Your God will come with vengeance. With God’s own retribution, he will come and save you.

Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unplugged. The crippled will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing for joy. Waters will flow in the wilderness, and streams in the wasteland. The burning sand will become a pool, and in the thirsty ground there will be springs of water.”


          Bad news. It comes into everyone’s lives. Our world is not just tainted by sin. It is ruined. And that means people, all people, even God’s people, will get bad news. The unexpected death of a loved one. A bad result on a medical test. Job loss or rejection. The car accident. Being cut from the team or left off the invitation list. Bad news. It’s all bad news. When God sent the prophet Isaiah to the people of Judah he delivered some bad news. Really bad news that would affect a whole nation of people. The people of Judah as a whole had forsaken God. They were worshipping idols of the nations that surrounded them. As a consequence God had Isaiah tell them that they would be conquered by the Babylonians, who lived in the area of modern day Iraq. Their land and homes would be given to foreigners. They would be forced to march into exile, a journey of over 700 miles, on foot. Small children. Pregnant women. Seniors. This was some really bad news. Now for the people who did not believe in God they likely did not care. But there were still people faithful to God in Judah. This bad news fell on their ears just like ours does on our ears. A punch to the stomach. Legs shake. The heart races. Sleep is hard to come by. They needed some Good News. That’s what they got!

          God had Isaiah tell them. “Strengthen the weak hands and make the shaky knees steady. Tell those who have a fearful heart: Be strong. Do not be afraid. Look! Your God will come with vengeance. With God’s own retribution, he will come and save you.” “Buck up, little trooper. Don’t cry, it will get better. Hang in there. This too shall pass.” We have all kinds of nice little phrases that we use to encourage our children, our friends, ourselves. God’s phrase of encouragement is “Be strong!” Ours and God’s are meaningless though, if there is no reason, no power behind those encouragements. The encouragement Isaiah brought was backed with a reason and with power. God will come and save you.

          How could they be sure? I want you to notice something important about the way God works. Everything is tied to His Son Jesus. To put it another way, your salvation for life’s many problems is directly tied to your SALVATION from life’s biggest problem, sin. Did you catch that? For the Old Testament believers of Isaiah’s time when he talked about God coming to save them, he immediately followed with, “Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will be unplugged. The crippled will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute will sing for joy. Waters will flow in the wilderness, and streams in the wasteland. The burning sand will become a pool, and in the thirsty ground there will be springs of water.” God had the people look ahead to a time when blind people would miraculously see. Deaf people would miraculously hear. People who were lame and unable to walk would immediately be able to walk and jump. People previously unable to speak would sing. It would be like a desert land suddenly having plenty of water blooming and growing and thriving. Do you know of a time when that happened? When someone opened the eyes of the blind, the ears of the deaf and the mouths of the mute, when paralyzed people were able to walk? Of course you do! Jesus did all of that. You heard one example in the Gospel lesson. There are many more. But Jesus did not make all the mute speak or all the blind see or all the lame walk. The purpose of those miracles was to demonstrate that He really was the promised Messiah and to gain opportunities to talk about why He really came, to be the Savior from sin for all people.

          When God came to save the people of Isaiah’s time from Babylon, that was a little salvation. It was God’s proof that their bigger SALVATION was coming, the Messiah, the Savior from sin. Jesus. We are on the other side of the Savior so it works for us in the other way. The fact that God sent Jesus who lived and died in our place, whose work accomplished our SALVATION is His proof for the little salvations we need for the bad news that will inevitably come our way living in a sin ruined world. We can “Buck up, little trooper. Don’t cry, it will get better. Hang in there. This too shall pass. And Be strong” because there is power behind it, God’s power.  He has come to save His people means He will come to save His people. SALVATION is proof of salvation.

          That’s the good news God wants you to take away today. All of us have or are dealing with some bad news. Because we and our world are ruined by sin we can expect more. All of us k now people who have received or will receive bad news. What we all need is good news. We have it. God will come and save you. I don’t know how and I don’t know when. I do know He will. Jesus is His proof.

Maybe one thing we could all learn to do a little bit better though is to value our salvations in the right order. In the Gospel lesson the people were amazed and said Jesus did everything well even making the deaf hear and the mute speak. In the reading from Acts the people were filled with wonder and amazement when the apostles used Jesus’ power to make a lame man walk. Were they just as amazed that Jesus went to the cross for sinners like them? Were they amazed that Jesus rose from the dead so that the next time they heard the bad news that a loved one had died they could hold on to the Good news that those who die in Christ actually live just like He does? I don’t know. I don’t know if they even knew of their SALVATION. But we do. We are followers of Christ and followers of Christ know the true purpose of Christ’s power. It is not the temporary healing of a body that will at some point die anyway. It is the eternal healing of soul destined for Hell. So be strong. With whatever you are dealing with, be strong. God has saved you so in the most important way, He’ll take care of these other ones too. Amen.



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